Sailing Idioms

26 October 2015 by Diane


The correct answer is SET SAIL.

For example: Peter is planning to sail around the world.  He set sail last week.

Here are some other idioms related to sailing:

1. Go overboard- to do too much, go over the top in excess
(When sailing, going overboard means that you have fallen out of the boat and into the water.)
For example: Her boyfriend went overboard when he spent so much money on her Valentine’s day present.

2. Learn the ropes- learn how to do the basics
For example: It takes a while to learn the ropes at a new job.

In sailing, this has a very literal meaning. Learning how to control the ropes for the different sails is important to sailing.

3. Run a tight ship- to be in control, to have good organizational skills
For example: Mr. Jones
runs a tight ship with his employees-- they are always on time and never lazy!

4. Sink or swim – to succeed or fail
For example: I didn’t get any training – I was left to sink or swim and as a result, I quickly learned what to do.

5. All hands on deck - something that you say when everyone's help is needed, especially to do a lot of work in a short amount of time

For example: We have to finish everything before 5pm, so all hands on deck!

6. Smooth sailing- easy unobstructed progress

For example: After we passed the accident on I-95, the road trip was smooth sailing!

7. Rock the boat - to disturb the balance or routine of a situation

For example: I won’t ask for a raise yet because I don’t want to rock the boat.

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