Transitive and Intransitive verbs

01 April 2015 by Diane

A verb can be either transitive or intransitive. A transitive verb needs a direct object while an intransitive verb does need a direct object.

Transitive verb > He sent a letter.

 (Send is a transitive verb-- it needs an object (letter) to express its full meaning.)

Intransitive Verb > He laughs.

(Laugh is an intransitive verb-- it does not need object to expressing its full meaning.)

Intransitive verbs cannot be changed into passive voice

We need an object to create a sentence in passive voice.

Intransitive Verbs

Transitive Verbs

Verbs that can be both

to ache

to beat

to begin

to agree

to bring

to break

to appear

to buy

to build

to arrive

to contain

to call

to belong

to cost

to change

to come

to enjoy

to clean

to cry

to get

to crash

to die

to give

to do

to disappear

to hit

to drop

to fall

to lend

to draw

to go

to make

to eat

to happen

to need

to enter

to laugh

to offer

to explain

to lie

to owe

to finish

to rain

to send

to go

to remain

to show

to help

to respond

to take

to hurt

to rise

to tell

to hug

to say

to kick

to scream

to lose

to sit

to open

to sleep

to paint

to snow

to play

to smile

to run

to stand

to see

to whisper

to smell

**Reporting verbs are often intransitive.

to throw

to win

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